Startseite » Forschung » Studien Finasterid » effectiveness of finasteride vs Serenoa repens
icon1.gif   effectiveness of finasteride vs Serenoa repens [Beitrag #254130] :: Di., 15 Januar 2013 13:57 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Comparitive effectiveness of finasteride vs Serenoa repens in male androgenetic alopecia: a two-year study.
Rossi A, Mari E, Scarno' M, Garelli V, Maxia C, Scali E, Iorio A, Carlesimo M.

Department of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery, University of Rome Sapienza I School, Rome, Italy.

The objective of this open label study is to determine the effectiveness of Serenoa repens in treating male androgenetic alopecia (AGA), by comparing its results with finasteride. For this purpose, we enrolled 100 male patients with clinically diagnosed mild to moderate AGA. One group received Serenoa repens 320 mg every day for 24 months, while the other received finasteride 1 mg every day for the same period. In order to assess the efficacy of the treatments, a score index based on the comparison of the global photos taken at the beginning (T0) and at the end (T24) of the treatment, was used. The results showed that only 38%; of patients treated with Serenoa repens had an increase in hair growth, while 68%; of those treated with finasteride noted an improvement. Moreover finasteride was more effective for more than half of the patients (33 of 50, i.e. 66%;), with level II and III alopecia. We can summarize our results by observing that Serenoa repens could lead to an improvement of androgenetic alopecia, while finasteride confirmed its efficacy. We also clinically observed, that finasteride acts in both the front area and the vertex, while Serenoa repens prevalently in the vertex. Obviously other studies will be necessary to clarify the mechanisms that cause the different responses of these two treatments.

Quelle: Pubmed.

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Aw: effectiveness of finasteride vs Serenoa repens [Beitrag #254137 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #254130] :: Di., 15 Januar 2013 14:25 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehenZum nächsten Beitrag gehen
In order to assess the efficacy of the treatments, a score index based on the comparison of the global photos taken at the beginning (T0) and at the end (T24) of the treatment, was used.

Das Verfahren ist natürlich ungeeignet aber im Prinzip gibt es das wider, wovon man idR ausgeht: SR ist kaum geeignet.

I am the victim of lying morality
and so, I am beyond caring

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Aw: effectiveness of finasteride vs Serenoa repens [Beitrag #280631 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #254130] :: Do., 24 Oktober 2013 10:12 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Also das Sägepalme bei Haarausfall wirklich nicht viel bringt, ist imho inzwischen ziemlich klar durch vermeintliche "Broscience" belegt. Das Zeug ist seit Ewigkeiten im Umlauf, wurde von vielen Leuten in allen möglichen Formen ausprobiert und es gab wirklich nie überzeugende Ergebnisse.

Ist ja nichtmal wirklich klar, ob es bei BPH viel bringt, da sind die Studien auch nicht so besonders klar pro Säge.

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