Millionen betroffen

Haarausfall (Alopezie) bleibt rätselhaft. Anlagebedingter Haarausfall, Alopecia Areata und diffuse Alopezie (bei Frauen) sind am häufigsten.

Haarausfall  [200x250]
Oft unwirksam?

Medizinisch bedeutsam gegen Alopezie sind Propecia (Finasterid), antiandrogene Hormone bei Frauen, Regaine (Minoxidil)

Mittel gegen Haarausfall  [200x250]
Haarverpflanzung - schnelle Option

Mit einer Haarverpflanzung können die Folgen von Haarausfall schnell korrigiert werden. Techniken wie die FUE haben große Fortschritte gebracht. Eine gute Planung ist entscheidend.

Haartransplantation [200x250]

Diagnosis of hair loss


To combat any problem, it is important to reach the root of the problem, and find out why it is bothering us. Then only can we take appropriate steps to set things right. Knowledge is of utmost importance. So before jumping into any sort of procedure to repair your hair, it is important that the dermatologist examine your scalp. Depending on the cause for hair loss, the doctor metes out treatment.


1. Examination

Sometimes one can lose hair because of reasons other than the natural balding. For this, specialized steps need to be taken. Sometimes the doctor suggests that the cause for your hair damage is removed before steps are taken o restore your hair. In order to find this cause the doctor uses a method known as ‘hair pull’. Through this method, it is determined whether the person has evolved any sort of an abnormality. The procedure is simple enough-close to 50 strands of hair is removed gently, with each pull removing only a few hairs. There are ways to pull out the hair, two of the most common of which are phototrichogram and hair window. In the first method, the hair on a certain area is either shaved or clipped. Photographs are taken, also, and the hair is examined over a period of maximum five days. In the second method, the hair growth is assessed over a period of time which may extend to thirty days. If a lot of hair is removed with each pull then that is an indication of abnormality. Another way of finding out what is causing all the damage is to go for scalp biopsy, but it is usually kept as the last resort.

2. Testing

Another cause of hair loss is if there are abnormalities associated with the hair growth cycles. This may occur at any age, but the chances are obviously more in those people who have thyroid problems, who do not have sufficient nutrition in their food, who suffer from side effects of certain drugs. Those who are constantly stressed or who are anemic are not much better off either. If an infection is suspected, the hair shaft may be inspected under a microscope. The infection may be fungal, viral or even bacterial-and can lead to hair loss and damage. Otherwise a hair analysis can be done. If the hair shaft suffers a condition in which it is suspected that there is an alteration in hair protein, the same can be done. Even in the case of drug intake or even infection by a heavy metal, a hair analysis comes handy. However the common belief that the test helps out in the analysis of a systemic disease or nutritional status is purely false.

Hair loss due to abnormalities is an unpleasant thing. The hair is an important part of us, and we should take care of it. The reason for the loss or damage of hair should always be pin pointed, before steps are taken to counter it.



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