Millionen betroffen

Haarausfall (Alopezie) bleibt rätselhaft. Anlagebedingter Haarausfall, Alopecia Areata und diffuse Alopezie (bei Frauen) sind am häufigsten.

Haarausfall  [200x250]
Oft unwirksam?

Medizinisch bedeutsam gegen Alopezie sind Propecia (Finasterid), antiandrogene Hormone bei Frauen, Regaine (Minoxidil)

Mittel gegen Haarausfall  [200x250]
Haarverpflanzung - schnelle Option

Mit einer Haarverpflanzung können die Folgen von Haarausfall schnell korrigiert werden. Techniken wie die FUE haben große Fortschritte gebracht. Eine gute Planung ist entscheidend.

Haartransplantation [200x250]

Hair Care Tips

 Have you been wondering how you can have healthier hair?  Here are some elementary tips that will help your hair look and feel great.

  • In order to have healthier hair, you need to have a healthy lifestyle.  Stress is not good for your hair.  Smoking will dry your hair out.  If you do not exercise or eat right, your hair will suffer as well.  Not getting enough sleep is also a prescription for bad hair.
  • When you are choosing hair products, such as gel, hair spray, or mousse, do not buy products that have alcohol in them – they will dry your hair out.
  • Try not to apply the products directly to your scalp.  That is a good way to clog your pores, which is definitely bad for your hair.
  • Before you go swimming, wet your hair in the sink first. 
  • This will help your hair by soaking up the clean water, rather than the chlorine in the pool.
  • If you can, wear a swimming camp in the pool.  If you can’t, make sure that you wash and condition your hair as soon as you get out of the water.
  • Do you like to blow dry your hair?  Make sure that you use the cool setting, so that your hair does not try out as quickly. 
  • Also, do not let the blow dryer sit in one place for more than a couple of seconds.  Move it around, so that you do not dry out your hair.
  • Your hair will dry faster if you pat it dry with a towel before you turn the blow dryer on.  Also, if you untangle your hair while it is still drying, it will be easier to get those knots out.
  • The best hairbrushes are made of real animal hair, because it is more flexible, and softer on your hair.  Pick brushes and combs that have bristles that are spaced widely, and that have smooth tips.  Otherwise, you will get split ends and a scratched scalp.
  • Do not comb or brush your hair when it is still completely wet, because wet hair is very fragile.  Wait until the drying process is almost done.
  • Wash your brushes and combs every week with soap or shampoo.
  • Comb the tangles out of your hair before you brush it.
  • Start combing your hair at the ends to work tangles out, and move up to the base of your hair.  Use a downward stroke with your brush or comb.
  • Stay away from plastic brushes or combs, because they make static
  • electricity.
  • Use a shampoo or conditioner that is made for your type of hair.
  • Use warm water instead of hot water to shampoo, so your scalp
  • stays moisturized.


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